QR Codes:
QR Codes are a digital barcode
and they have much functionality. Today they have a number of purposes,
including transport ticketing, entertainment, commercial tracking and product marketing.
Commonly, you can find QR codes being used to send audiences to a specific
website to promote that particular product. QR Codes can
be used to open a location on a map and direct you to it using Waze, to open a
Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn profile page automatically, to share a link or
text via all social networks mentioned above, and even call a number using
Skype. This is an extremely useful tool to use when distributing a film. In particular
short film such as the short film ‘Dreaming Daisy’ that my partner and I are
creating, as most of the time short film distributors are battling with their
small budget. However, using a QR code can solve the problem, as they are free
to use and direct your target audience directly to your product in a very easy
and accessible way.
An example of a film that used QR
codes to promote the film was the film Inception. marketers used the code to expand on the secrecy and sense of
mystery that surrounded the film. Usually, movie QR codes lead to trailers and
interviews, but QR codes on posters, T-shirts, fliers and other promotional
material for Inception led to a fictional website called “What is dream share?”
to help build the movie’s hype.
The website Chris Thilk produced an article on the Movie Marketing Madness: Inception. The article mentioned the QR code:
The website Chris Thilk produced an article on the Movie Marketing Madness: Inception. The article mentioned the QR code:
Similarly our short film ‘Dreaming
Daisy’ is based on dreams and aspirations. This example has inspired me with
the idea to create a online space that the QR Code leads to where other teenage
girls, just like the one seen in our film can list their dreams and hopes in
life in a fun and exciting way. I think that because it is a new digital advancement it will really appeal to our target audience of teenage girls because it would provide them with a sense of secrecy and safety when they are expressing their dreams. It is almost like writing in a diary they will never be found.
A real life example of this type of idea is The Guardian A Letter To.... The is a space where people can anonymously post about matters that they need to 'get of their chest'.
Excellent research and excellent creativity in promoting your short film. I can clearly see the link between the research and the outcome (the marketing strategy for 'Inception', using QR codes in a novel way, and your own short film).Well done!