Thursday, 19 November 2015


Creating Props:

One of the main props in our short film Dreaming Daisy, is the scrapbook that Daisy creates. It acts as a bucket list of activities that Daisy wishes to complete in her now limited life. We got inspiration for our scrapbook from the film My Sisters Keeper. 

Here are some examples of the scrapbook from My Sisters Keeper.

So far, we have created the front cover of our book. We plan it make it colourful and full of photographs, and any other memorable objects from the activities that she has completed. 
Through this book we wish to show Daisy's fun, positive personality.

Here is our completed front cover of our scrapbook.

Friday, 13 November 2015


All our music is original and written specifically as a soundtrack for our short film. Two songs with fitting lyrics anchor the film's meaning moving from joy to pathos. Jess sang into a recorder and we loaded the track into i movie. Jess is in the sixth form of our school, and we commissioned her to do our singing. She has also posted this song on her Instagram page (below).

These are the lyrics to the chorus of one of the original songs. 

She didn't want it all, 
Because she never had it,
Though her dreams stood tall,
She'd never have it,
And she knew too well,
That it was just a dream. 


C, G, A, F


When researching into short film posters I also looked into the Visual Hierarchy in poster design. 
Visual Hierarchy is a technique uses in advertising. It is the order that the human eye follows when recognising what it observes. 
Leaving the eye through visual paths:
1. The Guntenburg Diagram 
This describes a pattern when the eyes move through when looking at evenly distributed, homogenous information. This works best to text- heavy projects. The Gutenburg diagram divides the layout into 4 quadrants :

  • Primary Optical area (top left)
  • Strong Fallow area ( top right)
  • Weak Fallow area (bottom left)
  • Terminal area (bottom right)
This pattern suggests that the eye will sweep across and down the page in horizontal movements.

2. Z- Pattern Layout 
This pattern follows Z- Pattern layout. Readers will start in the top left and move down in a zig zag motion. 
The Z pattern is good for simple designs with a few key elements that need to be seen. 

3. Golden Triangle Pattern 
Z pattern leads to the golden Triangle pattern. If you take the first horizontal and first diagonal movement and then close the shape you end up with a right triangle. The triangular area at the tip of the page, will be the area most seen and the pattern suggests your most important information need to be placed inside it. 

After understanding these visual hierarchies I then went on to specifically look at short film posters.
In this Emaze, I present my research on several short film posters: High Maintenance and The Crush 
IN addition, I show my knowledge and understanding of the visual hierarchy of poster design. 

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Tuesday, 10 November 2015


I have recently researched the short film "Hight Maintenance" and am now interested in their advertising strategies such as their film poster

The first key feature of their poster is its theme and its main colour being black. I think this is immediately suggesting the genre of the film to the audience

Secondly, the extreme close up picture of a women's face then shows and suggests the type of characters that appear in the film. This image could also result in both men and women. As a young women would attract the male audience and the female audience would be able to relate to the women on the poster.